What a crazy few days! I am still in shock of how bad this disaster got. My heart goes out to everyone effected. I can say I am so proud of the amount of people that came together to help. It’s a true community of people.
On Saturday I was scheduled to second shoot a wedding for Chelsea Lynn Photography. I was feeling panicked for the wedding as everything other then the reception was interrupted by the Alberta Floods of 2013. We made a judgement call to head into Calgary Friday night as our cell phone service was hit and miss and I am so glad we did. After all of the time, effort and money that goes into planning a wedding, it was almost swept away. I feel that when the bride saw us at the hotel on that Friday night it was one worry that was lifted from her shoulders. We checked in, plugged our batteries in (praying that the power will not continue to go out), and got back in the truck to do some location scouting. Feeling a bit panicked and out amongst the madness was a bit uneasy feeling but after driving around searching we felt that we needed to incorporate the flood into their wedding. Taking this couple out on their wedding day to the new locations that they had not seen or approved was exciting. The bride couldn’t have reacted any better as handfuls of reporters followed her snapping pictures. She loved the new locations and thanked us for everything we did on her special day.
Here is just a sneak peek of a few photos from their special day!
This was the first time I ever attended a wedding with a camera in my hand and not knowing this couple. It was a crazy experience. I found out what is felt like to have everything feel like it isn’t working as planned. I made me realize after something like that, that you can make it work and I would never give up on a couple, no matter how crazy things got. If a natural disaster of this magnitude didn’t stop us, nothing will.